Photos by Ville

Personal Branding Photoshoots

Personal Branding Photoshoot for Lifestyle & Hormones | Help to PCOS

I recently had the pleasure of doing a full day photoshoot for Lifestyle & Hormones. Owners of Lifestyle & Hormones, Charlotte Adema & Margot de Roon have created an amazing business, dedicated to helping women with PCOS. With the help of their 5 employees, they look to help rebalance hormones, through lifestyle changes, so that those with PCOS can experience fewer symptoms. Read on to hear about the photoshoot and the amazing video I created for them.

Beautiful location for the personal branding photoshoot 

On the day of the photoshoot, I headed to Zaandam to join Charlotte and Margot from Lifestyle & Hormones. They had arranged a beautiful house with plenty of white and beige colors to create a calming atmosphere, that worked really nicely for personal branding photoshoot. 

Personal branding photoshoot using different props

The ladies were extremely prepared with pastel and neutral tones clothing, so no styling advice was needed. I spent the day taking portrait shots of all of the team members who joined to the photoshoot bit later. Then, I created different settings for personal branding photographs, using laptops, phones and their recipe book.

Shooting a promo video for the recipe book

Finally, I created a commercial video to promote their PCOS POWER FOODS – recipe book. It was a great day and a lot of fun!

It was an amazing experience photographing and creating a video for Lifestyle & Hormones. I’m proud to have been able to help this business grow and spread the word about their amazing work. If you’re looking for a photographer for your personal branding photoshoot, get in touch with me today!